Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych

Internship for the faculty of International Relations

Dean's Attorney for Student Internships - prof. KAAFM dr hab. Izabela Kapera, e-mail: ikapera@afm.edu.pl

1. The Aim of internship

Intership is an integral part of learning process during Bachelor’s Degree studies at International relations. In accordance with the curriculum and the studyplan, it’s obligatory, necessary to pass a semester and a year by the student .

The aim of internship is:
1) to use in practice the knowledge and skills acquired by the student, improve social competences required for a given professional activity, get familiar with practical issues from a given field of study
2) getting acquainted with the nature of work in institutions related to the field of study
3) improving the ability to work on your own or in a team, effective time management, diligence and responsibility for the assigned tasks

2. Internship and its learning outcomes

1. As for knowledge, the student knows and understands:
the workings, structure and objectives of the institution in which the internship takes place
The substance and principles of circulation of documents governing work in the institution in which the internship takes place
Substative scope of activities undertaken in the institution in which the internship takes place

2. As for skills, the student can:
use his knowledge and obtain data to perform tasks he or she is asked to do ( he or she can search, select and use available materials and information necessary to perform tasks in institutions.
plan and carry out projects typical of a chosen activity of an institution, in consultation with the internship supervisor
keep documentation related to the position and activities undertaken

3. In terms of social competences, the student is ready to:
work in a team and perform different roles
take responsibility for tasks entrusted to him/ her
follow the principles of work ethic

3. Methods of checking and verifying the learning outcomes achieved by the student as a result of the internship

1. The course of the internship is documented in the internship diary.

2. The internship diary is issued by the university. The student notes the date of commencement and completion of the internship, the duration of the internship, the scope of activities and tasks and acquired skills.

3. The course of the internship recorded in the internship diary is confirmed with the signature and stamp of the organizational unit by the internship tutor or the head of the organizational unit in which the student did the internship. It is the basis for crediting the internship by the Dean's deputy responsible for internships.

4. The Dean's deputy responsible for internships may credit the student the internship or a part of it if the student documents professional experience or running a business that corresponds to the internship program.

5. The student attaches documents confirming the circumstances on the basis of which he / she is applying for a credit for the internship. If necessary, the Dean's deputy responsible for internships determines the method of documenting the circumstances referred to above, taking into account the type of activity performed by the student.

4. Rules for crediting internships

1. The student should complete the internship not later than by the end of the last semester of studies. However,the curriculum and the study planmay provide a different date of internship.

2. Passing the compulsory internship is equal to the credit of any compulsory subject. A student who has not obtained the internship credit by the end of the semester in which he or she should complete the internship, may be requested to repeat a semester at his request or be conditionally registered for a higher semester with the obligation to complete the internship in the semester indicated by the dean (repeating the subject).

5. ECTS credits assigned to internships  4 ECTS credits
6. The scope and form of internship

The student is required to complete an internship of 160 hours (full-time studies) or 120 hours (part-time studies),in an integrated (weekly), daily, hourly or mixed mode.The internship must be completed and credited before the end of the last semester of studies.

7. Units whose scope of activity corresponds to the areas of professional activity, typical for students of a given field of study

Students undergo internships in units indicated in the curriculum, for example:
1) business entities,
2) public institutions,
3) local and professional self-government bodies,
4) research and development units,
5) university organizational units.

Internships may also include specific practical tasks in accordance with a detailed training program (work on a specific project) performed by students, under the supervision of a person designated by the university

8. Framework of internships for the field of international relations

The internship program includes in particular:
1. getting acquainted with the basic information and regulations governing the activities of the unit in which the internships are carried out;
2. initial training in occupational health and safety;
3. getting acquainted with the organizational structure of the unit and the scope of its activities;
4. getting acquainted with the procedures / rules in force at the place of internship
5. learning the methodology of work in the unit; getting acquainted with the documentation and document circulation;
6. participation in technical and organizational activities performed in the unit;
7. improving teamwork skills, effective use of working time, responsibility for the performance of assigned tasks;
8. performance of entrusted substantive tasks related to the activities of the unit.

9. Documents and forms
Regulations of student internships - download
Application for recognition professional work as student internships - download
Trainee Questionnaire - download
Host Organizational Unit Questionnaire - download


Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych

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