Praca dyplomowa – International relations
- Diploma thesis. Basic information
Students of the faculty of International Relations are obliged to prepare and submit a diploma thesis ( Bachelor or Master). Obtaining at least a satisfactory grade from the diploma thesis is one of the conditions allowing for a student to take a diploma examination.
Only thesis prepared independently by the student under the guidance of a selected supervisor may be considered a diploma thesis.
The list of supervisors conducting diploma seminars, indicating the thematic areas in which they are ready to provide scientific supervision for the diploma thesis, can be found here. Students sign the list at the Dean's Office or at an organisational meeting announced by the supervisor. Entry on the list also means a declaration of participation in a given seminar, made via e-mail correspondence.
The diploma seminar should consist of no less than 10 and no more than 15 participants. In justified cases, with the Dean's consent, the number of participants may be larger. A change of supervisor may be made for organizational reasons or at the student's justified request by decision of the Dean after obtaining the consent of the current supervisor and the receiving supervisor.
Supervisors assign or agree topics for diploma theses with the participant in the first semester of the seminar. Detailed rules for the formal and substantive preparation of the diploma thesis are indicated by the supervisor during the seminar.
The evaluation of the diploma thesis, which must be preceded by checking the thesis using the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System (JSA), is performed by the supervisor and one reviewer. If the supervisor has assessed the thesis as unsatisfactory, it is not submitted for review and cannot be allowed to be defended. Reviews of diploma theses are public to the Student and must be made available in the Virtual Dean's Office (WD) before the date of the diploma examination.
After the diploma examination ends with a positive grade, the Dean's Office submits each diploma thesis to the national and university Repository of Diploma Theses ERIKA.
- Structure of the diploma thesis
Diploma thesis - editorial requirements
The text of the diploma thesis must meet the following criteria:
- a) paper sheet size: A4;
- b) margins: top - 2.5 cm bottom - 2.5 cm left - 3.5 cm right - 1.5 cm
- c) font:
- font used in the text: Times New Roman - size 12 points;
- font used in footnotes: Times New Roman - size 10 points;
- d) line spacing: 1.5 space;
- e) justified paragraphs;
- f) page numbering: continuous; the page number should be invisible on the title page.
The diploma thesis must contain a summary in the original language and English (and also in Polish, if the original language is different from Polish) and 4-6 keywords in the original language and English (and also in Polish, if language of the original is different from Polish). The text of the summary cannot exceed 1000 characters (including spaces). The summary should be prepared according to the template/attachment. No. 3 to "PROCEDURES FOR AWARDING DIPLOMA IN STUDIES WITH A GENERAL ACADEMIC PROFILE IN THE DISCIPLINE OF POLITICAL SCIENCES AND ADMINISTRATION (hereinafter referred to as the "Procedure...")
Title page of the diploma thesis
According to the attached template/attachment. No. 2 to "Procedure..."
Table of contents
Table of contents with ordinal and page numbers, placed on a separate page, numbering of chapters, subchapters and pages using Arabic numerals.
The introduction to the diploma thesis should contain the following elements:
- introduction to the subject of the thesis,
- defining the cognitive purpose of the thesis,
- defining research hypotheses verified,
- defining the methodological assumptions of the work,
- discussing the structure of the work and the content of individual chapters,
- evaluation of the sources used and the literature on the subject.
The main part of the diploma thesis should be divided into chapters with their own consecutive number and title. Each chapter starts on a new page. Chapters should be divided into subchapters, which are also numbered and have a subtitle. The numbering and titles of chapters and subchapters should correspond to the information contained in the table of contents.
The main part should present in detail the research problem, research assumptions and the results of the conducted research and analyses. Individual chapters should be constituted in a way that allows for obtaining a coherent, logically related whole of the diploma thesis.
Footnotes should be placed below the text at the bottom of the page.
The conclusion should include conclusions relating to the purpose of the work specified in the introduction, in particular an indication of whether the research or analysis conducted confirmed or negated the hypotheses (theses) set in the introduction of the work. The conclusion should include the most important conclusions and findings resulting from the conducted research or analysis.
The rules for preparing a bibliography are determined by the supervisor.
- Uniform Anti-plagiarism System (JSA)
The evaluation of the diploma thesis must be preceded by checking the work using the Unified Anti-Plagiarism System. Verification in JSA is performed by the supervisor unand analyses the received report.
By submitting the diploma thesis, the student declares, among other things, that the thesis does not violate copyrights within the meaning of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (PrAut) or personal rights protected by the provisions of the Civil Code. Misleading as to authorship and unauthorised use of someone else's work constitutes a violation of PrAut regulations and may result in civil and criminal consequences.
The diploma thesis will not be considered submitted if it does not pass verification via JSA.
- Deadline for submission and form of the thesis
The deadline for submitting the diploma thesis is the end of the resit session in the last semester of studies. Only in justified cases, the Dean may, at the student's request, extend the above deadline but not more than by three months.
A student directed to repeat a subject or subjects studied in the last semester of studies is obliged to submit a diploma thesis within the deadline for passing the repeated subject or subjects.
The deadline for submitting the diploma thesis is met provided that it is positively assessed by the supervisor and verified by the JSA with a positive result.
The student submits to the supervisor for final approval and verification in the Uniform Anti-Plagiarism System, hereinafter referred to as "JSA", the diploma thesis in an electronic version in the form of a merged PDF file in size not exceeding 20 MB. Any attachments should be sent as one archive file (ZIP, RAR, 7Z), and the size of individual files cannot exceed 60 MB.
After accepting the final version of the diploma thesis, the supervisor sends an electronic version of the thesis together with the JSA report and a declaration of admission to defence to the Dean's Office.
The Dean's Office sends the thesis in an electronic version to the reviewer.
The student delivers a handwritten copyright declaration to the Dean's office.
- Diploma exam. Basic information
The conditions for admission to the diploma examination are: (1) passing all compulsory subjects provided for in the study program and study plan; (2) obtaining the required number of ECTS points specified in the study program; (3) obtaining at least a satisfactory grade for the diploma thesis.
The Dean sets the exam date no earlier than two weeks from the date of submission by the student of all required documents described in point. 4 above, however, the date of the defence (diploma examination) is set by the supervisor in consultation with the Vice-Dean, the reviewer and the student.
Admission to the diploma examination takes place after it is determined that the student is not in arrears with study fees.
The supervisor and reviewer prepare reviews of the diploma thesis and are obliged to make them available in the Virtual Dean's Office (WD) no later than one week before the scheduled date of the diploma examination. The student is provided with the opportunity to read reviews via WD. If the assessment given by the supervisor is positive and the reviewer assessed the thesis negatively, the Dean appoints an additional reviewer. In such a case, the condition for admitting the student to the diploma examination is a positive assessment of the work by an additional reviewer. The defence date is then set no earlier than after a positive review by the second reviewer is published in the WD.
The diploma examination takes place before a committee appointed by the Dean. The committee consists of: (1) the Dean or an academic teacher with at least a doctoral degree authorised by the Dean - as chairman; (2) diploma thesis supervisor; (3) reviewer.
- Form and scope of the diploma examination
The diploma examination is an oral examination and takes place in the language in which the student prepared the thesis.
During the diploma examination, the student receives at least 2 questions on the topic of the diploma thesis and at least 1 question on studies in the field in which the diploma thesis is defended.
List of topics included in the diploma examination, second-cycle studies conducted in Polish
The exam grade is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the grades for individual questions and rounded in accordance with the rules applicable to determining the final result of studies.
- Unjustified failure to appear at the diploma examination or receiving an unsatisfactory grade
In the event of obtaining an unsatisfactory grade in the diploma examination or unjustified failure to take the exam on the scheduled date, the Dean will set a date for a resit examination.
A resit examination may be held no earlier than one month and no later than three months from the date of the first examination.
In the event of receiving an unsatisfactory grade in the diploma examination within the resit period, or unjustified failure to take the resit diploma examination, the student is removed from the list of students.
- Completion of studies and grades
Completion of studies takes place upon passing the diploma examination with at least satisfactory results.
The basis for calculating the final study result is: (1) the arithmetic average of all grades from exams and subjects leading to a pass, except for physical education, taking into account failing grades obtained during the entire study period; (2) grade for the diploma thesis; (3) grade for the diploma examination.
The final study result constitutes 60% of the grade mentioned in point 1 and 20% of the grades mentioned in point 2 and 3.
The final result of studies is entered in the diploma of completion of studies, adjusted according to the principle:
1) up to 3.25 - satisfactory,
2) 3.26 to 3.75 - satisfactory plus,
3) 3.76 to 4.25 - good,
4) 4.26 to 4.50 - good plus,
5) from 4.51 - very good.
- Additional information
Graduates of first-cycle studies are entitled to have a student ID until October 31 of the year of graduation. After this deadline, the student returns the student ID to the Dean's office. Master's degree students return their student ID to the dean's office on the day of taking the diploma examination.
Pursuant to Art. 77 section 2 of the Act Law on Higher Education and Science, the university issues to the graduate, within 30 days from the date of graduation, a diploma of completion of studies together with a diploma supplement and 2 copies thereof, including at the student's request submitted by the date of graduation: 1) a copy of the diploma in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian or another foreign language in which education was conducted during these studies; 2) a copy of the diploma supplement in English or another foreign language in which education was conducted during these studies. The condition for receiving a translation of a copy of the diploma/supplement free of charge is to submit an appropriate application no later than on the day of the diploma examination. An application for a copy of the diploma/supplement in a foreign language submitted after the date of the diploma examination must be accompanied by proof of payment in the appropriate amount (depending on the enrollment in the studies).
Application for issuing a copy of the diploma/supplement in a foreign language - applies to recruitment from 2019/2020 – download.
Based on:
- Study regulations of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University;
- Order of the Rector of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University; No. 19/2020 dated 6 March, 2020 on the rules for submitting and allowing the defence of diploma theses in first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies and long-cycle master's studies;
- Order of the Rector of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University; No. 96/2020 dated 8 October, 2020 on the rules for verifying learning outcomes specified in study programs conducted outside the university premises using information technology;
- Order of the Rector of the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University; No. 99/2020 on the principles of conducting education and certain other principles of operation of universities dated 19 October, 2020;
- Diploma procedure for general academic studies in the discipline of politics and administration.