Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych

Zaproszenie na webinar - “War Crimes Prosecution: Lessons from the former Yugoslavia for Ukraine” - 22 kwietnia 2024r.

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Szanowni Państwo,

zapraszam do udziału w dniu 22.04.2024 br. o godz. 18.00 w webinarze “War Crimes Prosecution: Lessons from the former Yugoslavia for Ukraine”. Referaty wygłoszą dr Iva Vukušić (Uniwersytet w Utrachcie) oraz dr Anna Adamska-Gallant (Uniwersytet Wrocławski/EU Pravo-Justice), a moderatorem dyskusji będzie dr Andriy Kosylo (Uniwersytet Warszawski). Konieczna jest wcześniejsza rejestracja: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U7vSv73wTGWxFTdGCCnBoA

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Z wyrazami szacunku

Agnieszka Kubiak Cyrul

The Project Sunflowers in collaboration with the EU Pravo-Justice project would like to invite you to the zoom webinar entitled: “War Crimes Prosecution: Lessons from the former Yugoslavia for Ukraine” that will take place on the 22h of April 2024, Monday, at 6:00 PM CET.

Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U7vSv73wTGWxFTdGCCnBoA

The webinar will be conducted in English and simultaneous translations into Ukrainian will be available.

The topic will be presented by dr IvaVukušić, who is a historian and a genocide scholar, Assistant Professor in International History at Utrecht University, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of War Studies, King's College London. The second speaker will be dr Anna Adamska-Gallant, Ph.D., former international judge in Kosovo, head of the Judiciary Component of EU Pravo Justice in Ukraine.

The webinar focuses on the challenges and opportunities of prosecuting war crimes, and on the many difficulties ahead of Ukraine in an effort to provide some justice for survivors. Dr. Vukušić spent years working on accountability in the former Yugoslavia and The Hague, and will use that experience to provide some insights into ways forward for Ukraine. The focus will be on criminal accountability for international crimes at the ICC and within the domestic judiciary, as well as efforts to prosecute the Crime of Aggression.

The meeting will be moderated by dr Andriy Kosylo, adjunct professor at the Institute of Social Prevention and Resocialization and at the Warsaw University, Department of Criminology and Criminal Policy, he is a Board Member of the Foundation Sunflowers.

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