Aktualności / News - International Relations
Information about the short-term conditional session/winter semester 2023/2024
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Dear Sirs,
In attachment you can find information regarding short term examination session for winter semester 2023/24 and pattern of application for short term conditio.
Completed application (clear scan) send to e-mail address appropriate employee (please check e-mail address employee from dean’s office responsible for your academic year https://www.ka.edu.pl/paism/kontakt/ ).
If you have not passed the repeated subject (or you do not want to pass the subject from the winter semester as a short-term condition), please submit an application for repeating the subject.
An application for short-term/long-term entry (repeating a subject) should be submitted after the retake session has ended and the lecturers have entered the grades for all subjects into the Virtual Dean's Office.
Application for short term conditio entry is paid 120,00 PLN (for recruitment years 2023/2024 and 2022/2023); 100 PLN (for other recruitments years) will be charged and visable visible (Virtual Dean's Office/Finance) after Dean’s consent.
Only persons who have obtained the Dean's consent and have paid the required fee may take the conditional examination.
Please share the above information with your classmates.
Pliki do pobrania
short_term_winter_semester_2023_-_2024_ang.docx [ .docx ] 15.69 KB
short_term_2_wk_2023.doc [ .doc ] 125.50 KB
repeat_the_courses_-_pp_2023.doc [ .doc ] 126.00 KB