Aktualności / News - International Relations
ERASMUS+ recruitment for long-term foreign trips of students for studies and/or internships
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Erasmus+ long-term mobility for studies and for traineeship 2024/2025
An information meeting in English will be held on 29 February 2024r. at 11:00 in B019. Students interested in the Erasmus+ mobility for studies and/or traineeship within the Erasmus+ programme in the academic year 2024/2025 should submit the filled in and signed application forms (with the average grades confirmed by the respective Faculty Dean’s Office) to the International Office by 28 March 2024r. More information: International Office, room 205B and https://student.ka.edu.pl/en/erasmus/recruitment-procedure or https://student.ka.edu.pl/erasmus/proces-rekrutacyjny